Arevik Hayrapetyan

Arevik Hayrapetyan

Executive Coach
Life Coach
Career Coach
Relationship Coach
Performance Coach
People Coach
Health & Wellness Coach
Executive Coach
Life Coach
Career Coach
Relationship Coach
Performance Coach
People Coach
Health & Wellness Coach
Coach Profile


Years of Coaching Experience

Coach Profile


Coaching Hours Logged


I am a TEDx & DisruptHR speaker, professional coach, mental health advocate, as well as the co-founder of Kaizen Mastery People Development Institute. I was a certified member and accredited trainer at PCA-Professional Coaching Alliance (2017-2018).

I am a Global Facilitator at ChangemakerXchange, where I was trained to design and deliver enriching online learning experiences for social innovators across the world. I have a BA & MA in Communications, as well as Leadership Development Programme Diploma (Swedish Institute).

​Coaching with me is a profound transformational experience, which brings forth tangible results and significant changes in every single area of your life. I work with Executives and Managers, Entrepreneurs and Creatives, Athletes and High Performers and anyone who is committed to living their life to the best.

The areas I can help you with include, but are not limited to
✔️ gaining clarity in your values, priorities & life purpose
✔️ cultivating self-awareness, self-confidence & self-love
✔️ creating fulfilling & meaningful relationships (whether you are single, married or in a relationship)
✔️ performing to your highest potential
✔️ taking your career/business to the next level or transitioning into another career
✔️ identifying the patterns and beliefs, that are holding you back
✔️ work-life balance & setting healthy boundaries
✔️ conscious parenting
✔️ emotional, mental health & well-being
✔️ creating more joy, meaning & fulfillment in your life

Each session together is an incredible journey of diving deep and having a rendezvous with your greatness, both as a professional and as a human being.

Beyond your age, gender, status or many distinguished titles next to your name, I see YOU, your deepest fears and insecurities, as well as your biggest dreams and your greatest strengths. All the while, I create a safe, non-judgmental space for you to see yourself and BE yourself.

You are ready to work with me, if
✔️ You are committed to take 100% ownership of every single aspect of your life
✔️ You are ready to be challenged & pushed to your edges in order to shatter your perceived limits
✔️ You are ready to shed the “old-you” to give birth to the most Authentic You.

I am the Coach, who makes sure that You are being, living & performing to your fullest potential.


My hourly rate is 75 USD or the equivalent in other currencies. 

Meeting Modality
In person

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