Helene Robinson

Helene Robinson

United States
Executive Coach
Life Coach
Career Coach
Relationship Coach
Performance Coach
People Coach
Health & Wellness Coach
Teenage Coach
Youth Coach
Executive Coach
Life Coach
Career Coach
Relationship Coach
Performance Coach
People Coach
Health & Wellness Coach
Teenage Coach
Youth Coach
Coach Profile


Years of Coaching Experience

Coach Profile


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Coaching helps to bring forth best thinking that stems from one’s unique values in unique moments and unfolds one step at a time with each step informing the next. All people are capable of change and can grow spiritually, emotionally, and cognitively throughout a lifetime because they possess a vast reservoir of potential that goes far beyond what is merely apparent. Because we are all affected by the world we live in, we often lose touch with our inner wisdom, unique purpose, and reservoir of potential and begin making choices that don’t serve us well and leave us unsatisfied.

My role as a coach is to create a supportive relationship that builds your capability to bring your best thinking forward about what you want to achieve, your vision for the change, a plan informed by your values, and an accountability plan that works for your ego structure. Depending on the goals and values of my client, I can utilize the Universal Growth Process, Change Strategy Formula, Critical & Creative Design Thinking process, Applied Behavioral Analysis, Creative Arts, Universal Design for Learning, Holistic Heath approach, Somatic Awareness, the Enneagram, Spirituality, among other tools.  

Inclusion Angels began with a vision to help individuals and organizations reach their full potential through personalized support. My approach facilitates connection to one’s inner wisdom and authentic self through balancing our cognitive, emotional, and somatic ways of knowing. Due to differences in personality/ego structures, unique life experiences, and unique moments in time, each individual has a vast reservoir of knowledge that once brought into consciousness, is the best authority to guide one’s life journey.

Meeting Modality
In person

Who is Helene Robinson?

I am a certified Enneagram coach by the ICF accredited Enneagram in Business, and a certified Intrinsic Health & Wellbeing coach by the NBHWC accredited Intrinsic Solutions International. I’m a candidate for both the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and the National Board for Health & Wellness (NBHWC) credential. I am also a certified advanced instructor in the Enneagram Spectrum of Personality and have been studying and using the Enneagram for psychological and spiritual growth for many years.  I am a professor, speaker, writer, artist, consultant, and coach.

I have years of experience in neurodiversity, accessibility, developing postures of cultural reciprocity, breast cancer warriors and survivors, veterans, health impairments, art integration, training educators, career coaching, coaching students, coaching parents, PBIS, and spirituality. Although I have many years of coaching experience, I am only counting my hours after completing my two accrediated coach training programs. I've served a diverse range of clients, including teachers, business leaders, veterans, breast cancer warriors, human resources professionals, individuals for personal growth, neurodiverse children/youth and their parents, non-profit organizations, and educational institutions over the past 30 years. 

I have a B.S., M.S. Ed.S., and an Ed.D. degrees.  See my website www.inclusionangels.com for more information about me.

Why coach with Helene Robinson?

Because of the systemic and practical demands of life, trauma, and cultural influences from childhood, we can easily lose touch with our true self. Our thinking then becomes more automatic and static, less fluid, and disconnected from our authentic values and goals. This impacts the choices we make and similar to what happens when water freezes into ice, we are only aware of the surface and are “skating on the surface of life”. However, when we are aligned to our own intrinsic values and true self, we break through the ice surface, and feel refreshed, alive, and as powerful as a rushing waterfall.

If you want to connect with your true self and become empowered to achieve all of your personal and professional goals, I would love to work with you!  If you are looking for a coach with Enneagram expertise, review my website and schedule a 15 minute conversation with me to evaluate if I'm a good fit for you.

I only have room to add a few more clients so if you are interested, please visit my website to learn more about my services, how to schedule sessions, sample contracts, and answers to frequently asked questions:  www.inclusionangels.com. 

You may also book a free 15 minute intro session with me directly here: https://calendly.com/hugsfromheaven/free-15-minute-intro-conversation

Please email me directly at [email protected] with any questions.



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