Ifeoma Okpala

Ifeoma Okpala

Executive Coach
Life Coach
Career Coach
Youth Coach
Executive Coach
Life Coach
Career Coach
Youth Coach
Coach Profile


Years of Coaching Experience

Coach Profile


Coaching Hours Logged


Ifeoma is a Nigerian living in Denmark where she works in an international shipping company. Her love for exploring and challenging herself led to living in 4 different countries in Africa and Europe while gaining experience in project management, sales, and operations.

Ifeoma is an avid traveler and through her travels, she has acquired an understanding of people from all walks of life.

As a coach, she brings these experiences to the service of her clients offering an open mind, a safe space for reflection, and helping to draw out new insights which can be taken forward by her clients.

LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ifeoma-okpala/  

Supports Coachees to: 

  • Navigate successfully in corporate environments.
  • Unlock potential
  • Tackle fear and anxiety
  • Handle conflict resolution effectively

Meeting Modality
In person

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