Laura Dellinger

Laura Dellinger

United States
Executive Coach
Career Coach
Executive Coach
Career Coach
Coach Profile


Years of Coaching Experience

Coach Profile


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I work with mission-driven leaders across sectors to elevate their capacity to lead. I offer bespoke transformational learning experiences that include executive coaching, leadership and team development, training, retreat design and facilitation, and consulting on organizational strategy, theory of change, structure and culture. When challenges arise engaging internal and/or external stakeholders, living the brand, or navigating crises, my expertise in strategic communication can be a life raft in turbulent water.

Core to leading and serving other leaders is my deep belief that transformative change requires us to go “all in.” Together we dive deep into the roles we play, and the values that drive our work. We examine biases, and question the systems and structures that support (or suffocate) success. Based on that learning we are better equipped to evolve our ways of doing and being to foster inclusive, equitable and resilient organizations capable of delivering on mission at the highest level. This is work done in deep water.

If you are ready to embrace growth and change as a social, intellectual and emotional experience that is truly transformative, let's get in the water. I'm an excellent swimmer..
Skills: Leadership Development · Executive Coaching · Team Development · Mentoring · Organizational Development · Strategic Counsel · Facilitation · Training

Meeting Modality
In person

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