Melinda English

Melinda English

United States
Executive Coach
Life Coach
Career Coach
Performance Coach
People Coach
Executive Coach
Life Coach
Career Coach
Performance Coach
People Coach
Coach Profile


Years of Coaching Experience

Coach Profile


Coaching Hours Logged


I believe we are more capable and talented than we think! I partner with professionals and teams to clarify what is important and align values, talents, and strengths to reach their potential and purpose. I help people get unstuck (or unstalled) along the path and work to unleash their potential.

Through Transformational Coaching and Development, I:

~Equip professionals through career branding and strength-based leadership development

~Build confidence with clients by assessing skills and aligning values and talents to target and achieve career goals, whether to find a more meaningful career or to support clients during times of transition

~Accelerate growth and progress by co-creating customized strategies to get unstuck (and even uncomfortable) to get to the next place along their path

~Collaborate with individuals and teams to navigate challenging workplace communication, relationships, and situations and improve performance

~Empower teams and groups to achieve excellence and leverage strengths through assessment, development, and organizational interventions

I am passionate about strengths-based coaching and development. I employ a range of assessments, including but not limited to MBTI, StrengthsFinder, DiSC, EQ-i 2.0/EQ 360, KEYS and Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team, to generate self-awareness and to target the appropriate areas for competency and leadership development.


Meeting Modality
In person

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