Pam Penner

Pam Penner

Life Coach
Relationship Coach
People Coach
Life Coach
Relationship Coach
People Coach
Coach Profile


Years of Coaching Experience

Coach Profile


Coaching Hours Logged


In private practice for over 20 years, I have extensive experience working in the field of conflict resolution and relationship building where individuals, team leaders and groups want to improve their working or personal relationships.  I hold a Master’s degree in Conflict Analysis and Management and am certified as a coach.

As a coach, I specialize in:

Coaching through conflict

  • Helping you prepare for a difficult conversation or negotiation
  • Understanding and managing the conflict within yourself
  • Managing interpersonal conflict
  • Anger management 

Coaching skill development

  • Coaching to further develop your skills in communication, assertion, and conflict resolution.

Co-Active Coaching

  • Coaching is about creating change. If there is something you would like to change in your personal or professional life, then coaching can help you progress in a way that aligns with your values. Coaching helps people shift from where they are to where they dream of being.

Meeting Modality
In person

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