Rob Petrini

Rob Petrini

5 / 5.0
New Zealand
Executive Coach
Business Coach
Career Coach
Performance Coach
Executive Coach
Business Coach
Career Coach
Performance Coach
Coach Profile


Years of Coaching Experience

Coach Profile


Coaching Hours Logged


Learn. Unlearn. Relearn. Repeat.

My passion is helping people unlock their potential and reach their goals, one step at a time. I do this through listening, asking questions, and weaving the threads together through mirroring and feedback. I specialize in change management, moving individuals from the status quo to new ways of thinking and fostering individual growth. I am an Executive Coach through the Institute of Executive Coaching and Leadership (IECL). I coach leaders, pastors, entrepreneurs and individuals seeking to grow in their professional development.

With me as your coach, you will discover answers, find solutions, and create possibilities to move forward in the area you want coaching. You are whole, complete, and resourceful, and I coach you knowing that!

Meeting Modality
In person
Career Coaching Package
This package contains 3 important products inclusive of 2 session, a book and a course. Once the package is completed you will be in a an established process to help you work out your next career direction confidently, in half the time you would take on your own, Motivation and accountability towards specific actions, Tools to overcome your self-doubt, overwhelm or fears in relation to your next step
Discerning Personal Vision Package
Companies have them. Organisations live by them. So why don't you? A vision for your life is the road map for healthy living and fulfilment.
One Year Individual Coaching Package
One year supervision package
Spiritual Deconstruction Package
A one year spiritual direction course
Get in touch
Learn more about the coach by sending them a message.