Shaun Eaves

Shaun Eaves

United States
Life Coach
Career Coach
Performance Coach
Sales Coach
People Coach
Health & Wellness Coach
Business Coach
Life Coach
Career Coach
Performance Coach
Sales Coach
People Coach
Health & Wellness Coach
Business Coach
Coach Profile


Years of Coaching Experience

Coach Profile


Coaching Hours Logged


When I decided to get serious about reaching my full potential and becoming the absolute best version of myself I didn’t know where to start. What is my true passion? What is my purpose? I realized I had to start with a strong foundation. I began to work on my physical, spiritual, and mental health. I started to set goals for myself and put plans into place to reach these goals. With every goal that I achieved, I found myself becoming more and more confident. I became obsessed with learning about self-improvement, motivation, and self-efficacy. As I have learned to work on myself and build upon this foundation to create the person I want to be, I realized that I could use what I’ve learned to help others. I dedicated my life to helping other people to reach their own goals and potential.

Meeting Modality
In person

Why coach with Shaun Eaves?

I utilize a proven and effective coaching process in which I collaborate with my clients to find solutions and strategies for reaching their goals. We work together and share our experiences and resources with one another to develop a personalized plan for them. I can’t wait to meet you and start working together towards reaching your full potential!


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