Mona Thorpe

Mona Thorpe

United States
Executive Coach
Business Coach
Life Coach
Career Coach
Relationship Coach
Performance Coach
Executive Coach
Business Coach
Life Coach
Career Coach
Relationship Coach
Performance Coach
Coach Profile


Years of Coaching Experience

Coach Profile


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I provide a 6 step process in my coaching and online courses for those who seek to find their EASE~WAY to success. I Struggled for years using the Law of Attraction Process to deliberately create and manifest my goals with some but few results. It became clear to me that all the work I did to find out “HOW” to succeed was a waste of time. I finally discovered hidden barriers running interference with my ability to use the process effectively. During that time, I was able to design a course to uncover and transform those barriers so they no longer interfered with my focus. Once my focus was clear, my power to deliberately attract was unleashed. I began to experience ease when creating and achieving my goals. I started to see myself becoming successful at creating the type of finances, relationships, health, and fitness goals that I desired to have in my life. I was inspired to chart this process and share it with others, who like myself, are interested in living their best lives filled with an abundance of success and happiness! For more than 30 years I have had the privilege to watch my clients transform their struggles to ease of accomplishments in both their personal and professional lives. Join me for the journey that will transform your life as well.

To find out more about my online courses and coaching email [email protected] or visit

Mona Thorpe, Author, Success Strategist, Law of Attraction & Life Coach

Meeting Modality
In person

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