Tatsiana Suponeva

Tatsiana Suponeva

Life Coach
Life Coach
Coach Profile


Years of Coaching Experience

Coach Profile


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Living Your True Self / Realizing Your Spiritual Essence:

(Credentials: EPC (Erickson Professional Coach), ATCP ICF completed, 100 hours of practice)

- Self-discovery, “knowing thy self”

- Self-acceptance, self-love, self-worth 

- Confidence, peace and joy as permanent inner background that does not depend on external factors

- Energy and exhaustion - connecting with the source of Life within you, sustaining energy flow, preserving from drain

- Wholeness and dealing with your hidden archetypes (inner critic, inner child/parent, anima/animus, other inner parts, whatever you call it since there are plenty of systems)

 - Building up your autonomy – embracing the idea of yourself being your only authority, “the warrant and the sanction” of your life choices. Owning your life, your decisions, your actions.

I believe that relationship with the Self is the essential foundation for happy life. When you have it true and healthy, you can build up whatever you want whether it is relationship with the significant other, brilliant career, financial success, spiritual growth or whatever your life goal is :)

Languages: English and Russian. 

Meeting Modality
In person

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