Shay Michelle

Shay Michelle

Life Coach
Career Coach
Health & Wellness Coach
Life Coach
Career Coach
Health & Wellness Coach
Coach Profile


Years of Coaching Experience

Coach Profile


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Life Design Coaching:
Life coaches&nbsp work with our clients to help you achieve goals, overcome obstacles and make changes or shifts in your lives. Coaches&nbsp do not counsel or analyse the past. Life coaching&nbsp is based on the principle that the client has the intrinsic ability to determine and achieve their goals. 
Life Design Coaching&nbsp provides the tools to guide and support you toward holistically designing and living your desired life. 

I focus on working through the 8 Pillars of Life Design Coaching by establishing great habits and tools that serve you and your goals and overall Life Design vision. We work together to build your new and improved life by your design. 

The3Flamingos PILLARS



The 8 Pillars of Life Design Coaching:
i BODY  - Physical / Health
ii ENVIRONMENT - Space & Time 
iii MIND - Intellect
iv HEART - Emotion
v SOUL - Spirituality
vi SOCIAL  - Relationships
vii FINANCES - Wealth
viii OCCUPATION - Career/Calling

Meeting Modality
In person

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