Executive & business coaching expert certified in leadership & communication capacities development. Certified by Marshall Goldsmith Executive Coaching Academy in 2020, Master Trainer by iTOL England in 2018, Accredited National Trainer by the Ministry of Administrative Development in 2016, and Trainer by the European Union – SEBC in 2010. Holds an Armenian passport besides the Syrian one.
Mission Statement "To be the change maker in business and personal lives of enough people, to contribute in the effective development inside & outside Syria".
Her professional career started in 1994 as a sales coordinator in a world-class American corporation Marriott International, in which she gained expertise in communication, leadership & management, customer care & service, and business influential skills.
Coached during the past 12 years over 195 companies, ministries, universities, INGOs, and business leaders in the Syrian & Lebanese markets. Lectured "Personal Development Skills" for 2 years at Damascus University.
Rewarded 3 international "Creativity in Business - Thinking Out of the Box" by Marriott Int’l Global Sales Organization received in Austria / Tunisia / Egypt, and was chosen by Al-Iqtissadi Syrian Magazine among the 60 Syrian Iron Women for 2011.
Honored in 2013 by the President of Damascus University and The Syria Trust for Development – Business Clinic for her volunteering efforts in developing Syrian youths.
  The 1st Arabian mentioned on Blue Ocean Strategy success stories website, along with Int’l experts like Anthony Robbins and others (link mentioned below).
  During 2020, Christina participated as Co-Author in The Successful Mind: Tools to Living a Purposeful, Productive, and Happy Life book along with 32 world-class experts (as the only Arabian author), and became an International Best-selling Author via Amazon USA & UK.
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