Larry Armstead II

Larry Armstead II

United States
Life Coach
Career Coach
Relationship Coach
Performance Coach
People Coach
Life Coach
Career Coach
Relationship Coach
Performance Coach
People Coach
Coach Profile


Years of Coaching Experience

Coach Profile


Coaching Hours Logged


Larry Armstead II is a certified life coach specializing in relationships, self-clarity, and managing expectations. 

He holds a Bachelors of Arts in Sociology and Spanish and a Bachelors of Science in Information Technology.  He holds the following certifications from Achology:  Life Coaching Practicioner; Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Practicioner; Neuro-Lingustic Programming Practicioner; Mindfulness Practicioner.

A Better You is the extraordinary one-on-one coaching process that Larry developed that is specifically designed to help you discover the truth of who you really are–that is, who you have always desired to be; a person whole, complete, peaceful, and living the fulfilling life that it is your birthright to lead.

While it is my goal to help touch and transform the lives of each person I coach, I am but one person, so spots for one-on-one coaching are limited and go rapidly.  In coaching, I share with you the tools, nbsp;teachings, and  real-world techniques that you can use in your every day life to begin showing up as a A Better You.  You will learn:

  • To discover and own your personal power;
  • To become the expert on yourself;
  • The connection between your thoughts and the way you interact with yourself and others;
  • To find and know your personal truth and speak it confidently;
  • To gain an increased sense of purpose and fulfillment;
  • To nbsp;re-frame your world and life
  • To get clear on who you are at the core so you can show up in the world as your authentic self.

Meeting Modality
In person
Where's My Pizza: How to Use the Power of Expectation to Create the Life You Want
You're already an expert on expectation, believe it or not. Want me to prove it? You're reading this with the expectation that what you're reading is a synopsis of a book. Setting an expectation is something you do on both a conscious and subconscious level multiple times daily. Expectation is interwoven into your daily life and brings about results that you have the power to influence. Your expectations can be positive, filling you to overflowing with positive energy or they can be negative, weighing you down with anxiety, frustration, and despair. They can empower you to strive to reach heights beyond your wildest imagination. They can also be so dense that you're caught in a seemingly never-ending ocean of dissatisfaction and unhappiness.Where's My Pizza strives to teach you how to identify expectation, demonstrates the spectrum of expectation, and finally how to leverage the power of expectation to work to your advantage so you can begin creating the life you've always desired.The work will not be easy; you will definitely have to do the work. By the end of this book, you will have mastered the art of expectanticpation and fully understand how to deploy the power of expectation into all areas of your life so you can create the life you have always dreamed of!
A Better You, Diamond
24 Private One-on-One phone sessions This package is designed for 6 months of consistent weekly sessions to achieve best results Build and develop a solid plan and help carry it through Weekly journaling and assignments Unlimited access to online coaching portal where you can constantly communicate with Larry Larry will be there to help you work and succeed in those areas you are working to manifest change You will receive coaching, encouragement, be held accountable, and get step-by-step feedback on your personalized plan Two free bonus gifts when paid in full Payment plan available upon request
A Better You, Platinum
12 Private One-on-One Zoom calls 4 months of consistent weekly sessions to achieve best results Build and develop a solid plan Weekly journaling and assignments Unlimited access to online coaching portal where you can constantly communicate with Larry Larry will be there to help you work and succeed in those areas you are working to manifest change You will receive coaching, encouragement, be held accountable, and get step-by-step feedback on your personalized plan Free bonus gift when paid in full Payment plan available upon request
A Better You, Gold
8 Private One-on-One phone zoom calls with Larry 2 months of consistent weekly sessions to achieve best results Weekly journaling prompts Homework assignments based on sessions Tools and activities that are designed to help you improve your quality of life Allows us to do a deep dive 8 weeks of support Payment plan available upon request
A Better You, Silver
4 Private Zoom calls with Larry One month package to maximize your benefits Weekly homework assignments Four weeks of support and goal setting Direct communication with Larry once weekly outside of session
A Better You, Bronze
One private Zoom call with Larry Identify the patterns/things that are keeping you stuck Gain some clarity on a specific subject Begin laying the foundation for your personalized plan Discover what it is like to work with Larry
Get in touch
Learn more about the coach by sending them a message.