My name is Tracey Meredithe McDaniel and I am a Licensed Professional Counselor and Certified Life Coach specializing in helping women to get unstuck and into action in their lives. I have been where you are, and I know how it is to feel stuck. You might feel like you are in this alone without enough courage to get going. Or perhaps you are over-worked and over-tired and do not have enough mind space to focus on your dreams.
Well, I am here to let you know it does not have to be that hard! Over time, I have developed a program that helps you to become unstuck. As a psychotherapist, Certified Life Coach, Certified Stress Management Professional, Human Resource Professional I have worked with many women who have assisted in overcoming obstacles so that they can live out their dreams. I've been working with amazing women like you for the past 26 years. Here's my "why." I've helped over 150 women regain their inner strength, vitality. Through one-on-one coaching sessions, online programs, video conferences, and written content, I've been fortunate enough to connect with unbelievable females.