Rose Hindy

Rose Hindy

United Arab Emirates
Executive Coach
Life Coach
Career Coach
Relationship Coach
Executive Coach
Life Coach
Career Coach
Relationship Coach
Coach Profile


Years of Coaching Experience

Coach Profile


Coaching Hours Logged


Rose is a certified professional co-active coach since 2013.
She has coached a big portfolio of executives in different fields with a bit more focus in the marcom business where she runs in parallel her consumer insights analysis and consultancy business. 

Rose can do her coaching encounters in English, Arabic and even French.

Rose aims to keep it simple and real when coaching a client. A program is in place rather than an agenda and an overwhelming series of classical cliché exercises. She focuses a lot on an agile co-active module which balances being and doing. 
Most importantly, she injects playfulness and fun in the coaching process. 
The key point is always to know that being stuck is a myth and fear is a power to be transmuted into courage rather than pathologized. Hand in hand, Rose crosses the chasm with the client when entering the land of possibilities.

Personal and career growth and climbing the ladder of success are the main targets, whatever success means to the client.
Leaders find their goals setting with Rose simpler than anticipated and most importantly going through the transformational journey is as challenging as enjoyable.  Most importantly, celebration of each goal completion is what primes the client to the next goal.

Rose has assisted leaders who are consumed in their work place and possibly not entirely fulfilled in their personal life, to find a safe place where they unveil their real self and get reminded of their values and life purpose. Her coaching program and style are smooth yet fiercely courageous and full of honest feedback. She nudges and at times pushes clients outside their comfort zone.

Rose is an athlete and a windsurfer and while being physically active is not a requirement to the client himself, it makes the embodiment process and the synch between body and mind an intrinsic part of her coaching program.



Meeting Modality
In person

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