Years of Coaching Experience
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Hi, I am Tea, a Certified Life Coach, an NLP Master Practitioner and Certified Lifebook Leader. Through a decade, I have led and managed multicultural teams and successfully worked with incredible people from all over the world. Having also traveled to several countries, I have been introduced to and adapted to immense cultural knowledge. I have lived in 3 countries and speak 5 languages.
My journey as a Life Coach began when I found myself introspecting who I was and what more I had to offer, after having lived an exciting life. I slowly started to feel the urge for self-exploration and personal development. Eventually, I found my path and purpose while exploring Psychology, Alternative Therapies, Health and Well-being, through Mindfulness, Yoga, Reiki, Spirituality, Meditation, and learning about Universal Laws.
As humans of the modern age, we have access to all the information we want. Every single second, tons of data are generated by experts, on how to eat right, find your purpose, or stay motivated. Despite these tips being freely available, many of us still find it hard to function at our best capacity. Why? Because, internet, while exploding with valuable content, does not question or challenge your thinking. It doesn’t explore your personal experiences, belief systems, thought process, or mindset. Coincidentally, everything you want is on the other side of your mindset.
Think about it. We often limit our potential - usually, through mental obstacles we create, like self-doubt, fear of failure or blocks from past experiences. However, it is difficult to grow when you hold yourself back.
As a Life Coach, it brings me joy to help my clients identify their inhibitions, enable them to realize their potential, and empower them to overcome their limitations.
I believe that humans are meant to constantly grow and reinvent themselves. This is why I value working with individuals who want to evolve. Through my Program and Personal Coaching sessions, I help individuals increase their self-awareness, guide them to shifting their attention from the outside world to their inner world, and recognize the patterns that limit them.
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