Prepare/Enrich Program: Join over 3 million couples around the world who have participated in this program. After discovery session (free first session) the couple completes a computerized relationship check up assessment. Once both partners have completed their assessment questioners a report is generated and shared with each partner in the relationship to discuss and guide following sessions.
There are 5 key areas that Prepare/Enrich focuses as important towards greater partners' intimacy/. These are Communication, Couples Closeness, Couples Flexibility, Personality Compatibility, and Conflict Resolution. Also learning what Prepare/Enrich refers as Couples Relationship Styles is instrumental too in learning about couple's areas of strengths and areas of growth. These Relationship
Styles are referred as Vitalized, Harmonious, Conventional, Conflicted, and Devitalized. All relationship styles enjoy great growth potential. Identifying what areas are most important is done collaboratively during session, and subsequently working down the list is achieved using the report as guiding light. A yearly check up is available online for the couple to compare their progress on their own in the future.