Leadership Strengths Coaching BASIC ENGLISH

Coaching Package

  • Strengths Discovery Session 1 - EN
  • Strengths Discovery Session 2 - EN
  • Strengths Discovery Session 3 - EN
  • Strengths Discovery Session 4 - EN
  • Strengthsfinder Leadership Report Top 10
  • Führungsstärken Coaching DEUTSCH
Offered by:
Philipp Fuchs

CHF 1,697.00

What you learn : How to identify with your unique talents Embrace and love them How to apply your talents into your your daily life How to lead with your Top 5 talents What`s included : 5 Online Coaching Session (1.5 hours each) Book: Strengths Based Leadership (42.50 CHF) Full Gallup Strengthsfinder Profile Code and Access (54 CHF) Recorded Coaching sessions Effective Coaching Tools Access to free content on coachingloft/purposecoach
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