Coach Availability Settings

Updated Jun. 12, 2024 by Support


Keep your availability timings up-to-date

This page contains the availability settings of your coach account. In this particular page you can set your current timezone, availability window, notice time, buffer time, start time increment, Appointment Cancellation notice, and meeting duration setting.


Availability window
The availability window section displays the days and times when you are open for booking by your coachees.

Minimum Notice Time
This setting determines the minimum notice period, in minutes or days, required before a coachee can book an appointment with you.

Buffer time
This setting adds buffer time or padding around your appointments, allowing you to avoid scheduling back-to-back appointments without breaks.

Start time increment
This setting impacts coachee appointment booking by determining the time increments shown when a coachee selects a date.

Appointment Cancellation notice
This setting influences the cancellation of appointments by coachees. It establishes a minimum notice period required before a coachee can cancel self-made appointments.

Meeting Duration
Determine the specific time frame or duration within which coachees are permitted to schedule appointments with you.


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