360 Assessments

Updated Nov. 23, 2023 by Support

A 360-degree assessment (also known as multi-rater assessment or multi-source assessment) is a process through which feedback from the coachee's subordinates, colleagues, and supervisor(s), as well as a self-evaluation by the coachee themselves is gathered.

Assessments Guide

To start and assign a 360 Assessment:
  1. From the Assessment Templates panel, click "Assign".
  2. You will be redirected to the Assessment template form where you will find the "360 Assessment" button.
  3. Click the "360 Assessment" button to convert the current regular assessment into a 360 Assessment.
  4. Select a coachee you want to receive the assessment
  5. Set a due date to set the target assessment date completion.
  6. Add participants to assess the currently selected coachee. Participants can be the coachee's relatives, friends, workmates, manager, etc. To add them just provide their first name, last name, and email.
  7. Click "Submit" once done.
  8. An email notification will be sent to your coachee and to the participants where they can see the link to answer the assessment for your coachee.
  9. You can monitor the answers to the assessments by visiting the same Assigned Assessment page on your Assessments page or in your coachee's profile.



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