Coach Management

Updated Aug. 29, 2024 by Support

 This guide will walk you through the process of managing coaches within your company, including managing account seats, assigning coachees to coaches, and monitoring their statistics.

Below is the Coach Listing view where it contains all the coaches that were added in your enterprise account's coach seats. 

Adding a new Coach

Adding a new coach will consume a coach seat from your account, please make sure to have a vacant seat before adding a new coach in your account.

To add a new coach:

  1. Click the New button found at the upper right side of the list.
  2. Click "Add new coach"
  3. Provide the coach's first name, last name and email address, then click Submit.
  4. The newly added coach now will appear in the coach list. Click the Options button beside the newly added coach, then click Send Invititation.
  5. After sending invitation, the coach will receive an email with the link to get started and setup their coach account in Coaching Loft.
  6. Done

Adding coaches in bulk (Optional):

Provided that you have enough vacant seats, you can add coaches in bulk by uploading a formatted list in CSV format.

  1. Click the New button found at the upper right side of the list.
  2. Click "Bulk upload coach"
  3. You can use this file template to add the list of coaches you would want to be uploaded in your enterprise account.
  4. Upload the CSV file once created. You will be able to see the data that were extracted from the file.

  5. Tick "Send an invitation to the coaches during import process" if you want to send an invitation to all the coaches found in the list to take over and setup their coach accounts.
  6. Click Proceed to finish up the upload.
  7. Done



Coach Profile Summary

Upon clicking on a coach in your coach list, you will be directed to a page where you can access a comprehensive report and statistics detailing the activities occurring within the coach's account.

The following information are displayed in the coach's profile summary:

  • About
  • Coaching Sessions
  • Stats
  • Feedbacks
  • Upcoming Sessions
  • Session Logs


Assigning Coachees

In the same coach profile summary view, there's a tab navigation button called "Coachees", click the navigation tab to view the assigned coachees related to the coach.

To assign a coachee:

  1. Click the Assign button
  2. Search for the coachees name and tick the checkbox.
  3. You can select multiple coachees if needed.
  4. Click Assign.
  5. An email notification will be sent to the coach and coachee informing them about the assignment process.
  6. Done


Setting Coach Availability

You can optionally manage the coach's availability from the enterprise portal.

To manage coach's availability:

  1. Click the Options button at the top right side of the screen.
  2. Click Availability Settings
  3. You will be redirected to the Availability Settings page where you can manage the Coach's timings and timezone and other settings.
  4. Click the Save Changes button once done.

This is entirely optional since coaches can configure these settings directly from their own accounts. If you prefer to disable this option, navigate to your Accessibility Settings and toggle the "Disable availability setting" option.



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