Setting up Email Sending Domain - Enterprise Account

Updated Apr. 02, 2024 by Support

 *Only available for Enterprise Accounts.

Connect an email sending domain to authorize Coaching Loft on sending notification emails to your coach and coachees on your behalf.


What is domain authentication?

Domain authentication shows email providers that Coaching Loft has your permission to send emails on your behalf. To give Coaching Loft permission, you point DNS entries from your DNS provider (like GoDaddy, Rackspace, or Cloudflare) to Coaching Loft. This will ensure deliverability and prevent notification emails to be marked as spam when sent using your company's email address.

Email service providers distrust messages that don't have domain authentication set up because they can not be sure that the message comes from you.


Setting up domain authentication

Before you begin

To set up domain authentication, you must submit the DNS records provided by Coaching Loft to your DNS or hosting provider (for example, GoDaddy, Hover, CloudFlare, etc.). First, figure out who your hosting provider is and if you have access. If you don't have access to your DNS or hosting provider, you should figure out who in your company has this access before you begin setting up domain authentication.

To set up domain authentication:

  1. In the Coaching Loft - Enterprise Settings page, select Email Sending Domain.
  2. In the Email Sending Domain section, click Authenticate your Domain.
  3. Fill in the domain that you want to send from. Make sure that you only enter the name of your root domain. Do not include www or http://www in this field. Your domain needs to match the domain of your FROM address on the emails you are sending out. For example, if I am sending an email from [email protected], I would set my domain authentication domain to be Click Next.
  4. Next, you need to add all of the CNAME records on this screen to your DNS host. This process varies depending on your DNS host. If you don't have access to modify your company DNS records, you can also email a request to a co-worker. This email includes a direct link to the CNAME records. This link does expire. The recipient doesn't need login access to your Coaching Loft account.

It can take up to 48 hours for the records to verify after you upload them into your DNS host, so you will likely have to come back later to verify.


Verifying your DNS

Once you add the CNAME records to your DNS host, return to the Email Sending Domain page and click Verify.

If you click verify, and only half of your CNAME records verify, this usually means that you need to wait a bit longer. It's also possible that you entered one of your records incorrectly.

Any time that you send an email with a FROM address whose domain matches the domain set in the domain authentication, Coaching Loft applies that domain to your email. You only need to update your domain authentication if you want to update the domain you are emailing from.


This functionality is currently only available for Enterprise Accounts.



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