White Labeling the Platform

Updated Aug. 01, 2024 by Support


*Only available for Enterprise Accounts.

This guide will help you navigate the process of personalizing your platform experience by authenticating a domain, uploading a company logo, setting a primary and secondary color scheme, and setting up an email sending domain. Follow the steps outlined below to successfully configure your white-labeled platform.


White Labeling contains mainly 5 steps

  1. Setting up basic Company Information
  2. Uploading your Company Logo
  3. Setting up Color Scheme
  4. Authenticating your Domain
  5. Setting up Email Sending Domain


Before you start

  • In your Enterprise account under Settings, you will notice sub-menu items marked with "!". This indicates that these settings need to be configured properly and are important for setting up the white-label.
  • Authenticating your domain and setting up your email sending domain require a good technical understanding of DNS record management. If you lack these skills, please ask a co-worker or developer for assistance.


1. Setting up basic Company Information

In your Enterprise account under Settings, click Company Info. Fill out all the fields, most importantly the Company Name and Company Email Field. Click Save to proceed.


2. Uploading your Company Logo

In your Enterprise account under Settings, click on Company Logo. Then, click the camera icon and upload your square logo. Ensure that the image has a 1:1 aspect ratio (e.g., 500x500 or 1200x1200).


3. Setting up Color Scheme

In your Enterprise account under Settings, click on Color Scheme.Update the Primary and Secondary colors based on your brand guidlines.

Tips for Color Scheme:

  • As much as possible, avoid using one color value for both Primary and Secondary fields.
  • If possible check some of your account pages to ensure that the color scheme contrast with another.


4. Authenticating your Domain

To get started, you must submit the DNS records provided by Coaching Loft to your DNS or hosting provider (for example: GoDaddy, Hover, CloudFlare, etc.). First, figure out who your hosting provider is and if you have access. If you don't have access to your DNS or hosting provider, you should figure out who in your company has this access before you begin setting up domain authentication.

To set up domain authentication:

  1. In the Coaching Loft - Enterprise Settings page, select Custom Domain.
  2. Click Setup your Domain button.
  3. Fill in the domain the fields on the page. Provide a subdomain of your choice and your domain name, make sure that you only enter the name of your root domain. Do not include www or http://www in this field. Click Next.
  4. Next, you need to add the TXT and CNAME records to your DNS host. This process varies depending on your DNS host. If you don't have access to modify your company DNS records, you can also email a request to a co-worker. This email includes a direct link to the CNAME records. This link does expire. The recipient doesn't need login access to your Coaching Loft account.

It can take up to 48 hours for the records to verify after you upload them into your DNS host, so you will likely have to come back later to verify.

Once you add the TXT and CNAME records to your DNS host, you can click the Verify button to check if the records are installed properly.

If you click verify, and only half of your DNS records returned valid, this usually means that you need to wait a bit longer. It's also possible that you entered one of your records incorrectly.

Additionally, you can setup the custom login page that can be easily integrated to your website by just copy-pasting the Login page link on your website's main menu header/navigation. To learn more follow this guide.


5. Setting up Email Sending Domain

You can follow this comprehensive guide to connect your email sending domain. The process is very similar to authenticating your domain.



After correctly setting up all 5 steps, you should have successfully configured your white-labeled platform. Your basic company information is set, your company logo is uploaded, your color scheme is customized, your domain is authenticated, and your email sending domain is configured. The white-label also covers the support guide, that way your users will only see your branding. Enjoy your personalized platform experience!


If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, please contact our support team.


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